Picking a favourite dog breed is a bit like trying to choose your favourite flavour of ice cream—it’s nearly impossible because they’re all brilliant in their own way. I could have easily gone with the endlessly friendly Golden Retriever, who’ll retrieve anything you throw (and plenty of things you don’t). Or maybe the ever-loyal German Shepherd, always up for an adventure. But, in the end, my heart—and my sofa—belongs to the Cavapoo. And if I said otherwise, Aggie, my very own Cavapoo, would probably give me that look (you know the one).

The Cavapoo Charm: Sweet, Sassy, and Smart
So, what’s so great about Cavapoos? For starters, they’re a mix between the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and the Poodle, which means you get a blend of affectionate, sweet-natured, and (sometimes a bit too) smart. They’re like the Swiss Army knives of the dog world—cute, versatile, and surprisingly good at keeping you on your toes.
Take Aggie, for instance. One minute, she’s the world’s best snuggle buddy, snoozing away on my lap. The next, she’s launching herself at a squirrel as if she’s auditioning for a part in a nature documentary. You could say she’s a bit... enthusiastic when it comes to anything that moves. High prey drive, they call it. I call it “Aggie, don’t pull my arm off!”
Personality and Temperament: A Perfect Blend
One of the things I love most about Cavapoos is their friendly disposition. They’re known for getting along well with both people and other dogs, which makes them great for social outings, whether that’s a trip to a dog-friendly café or a meet-up at the local park. But that doesn’t mean they’re fearless adventurers. Cavapoos can be a bit nervous around new faces, and Aggie’s no exception. She’s got a whole list of “suspects” she’s not too sure about—the postman, that one neighbour who walks too slowly, and, Boxer dogs, she so not a fan.
But once they get comfortable, Cavapoos are quick to show their sweet and playful side. It’s a bit like earning their trust—it just makes that wagging tail and affectionate cuddle all the more rewarding when they finally warm up to you. And let’s be honest, we all know a human or two with similar quirks.
A Low-Shedding, Fluffy Delight
Another reason Cavapoos make such great companions is their lovely, low-shedding coat—a trait they inherit from the Poodle side of the family. This makes them a great choice for anyone who’s not a fan of finding hair tumbleweeds around the house. Their coats can range from wavy to curly, and while regular grooming is a must, it’s a small price to pay for that fluffy, huggable look.
Of course, a beautifully groomed coat doesn’t stop Aggie from seeking out every opportunity to get, well, not-so fluffy. If there’s one thing she’s truly passionate about, it’s finding the smelliest spots to roll in—be it cow poo, fox poo, mud, or sand. She’s got a nose for it, like some dogs have a nose for truffles. Just when I think I’ve got her looking pristine, she’ll find a fresh patch of something fragrant and dive right in, emerging with a proud grin that says, “Look what I found!” Bath time may be frequent, when she gives me that look that says, “But why, though?”, but I wouldn’t trade those muddy, smelly smiles for anything
and let’s be honest, life would be a bit too tidy without her antics!

Aggie’s Favourite Breeds (Besides Cavapoos, of Course)
Now, if you ask Aggie, she might have her own list of favourites. She’s particularly fond of Jack Russells (shout out to Roo, Sid, Harley and Rosie) and Miniature Schnauzers (yes Jackson and Luca, she loves you crazy boys). She seems to love their spunky attitudes and endless energy. There’s just something about a Jack Russell’s zest for life that she finds irresistible. And she’s met a few Miniature Schnauzers who share her love of chasing after things (especially cats). They make great partners in crime for a good romp around the park. Watching her with her little gang of buddies is one of those moments that makes having a dog truly special.

A Shoutout to the Golden Retrievers (And More!)
Of course, I can’t pretend that Cavapoos are the only breed I’ve got a soft spot for. Golden Retrievers are absolutely on my list of favourites. With their endless love, goofy smiles, and the way they make every walk feel like a grand adventure, it’s easy to see why they’re one of the UK’s most beloved breeds. There’s something heartwarming about their gentle nature, and they’ve got a knack for spreading joy wherever they go.

Then there are Spaniels, who somehow manage to combine wild enthusiasm with the ability to look like they’ve just stepped out of a romantic painting. And who could forget the ever-loyal German Shepherd? Each breed has something unique to offer, and I’ve had the joy of meeting so many wonderful dogs over the years.
But as much as I love all these breeds, Cavapoos have that special something that makes them my favourite. They’re a perfect blend of intelligence, cuddliness, and just the right amount of cheekiness to keep you entertained. Plus, with Aggie by my side, I think I’d better stick to my story if I know what’s good for me!
The Verdict: Cavapoos Win, Squirrels Beware
At the end of the day, while there are plenty of breeds that I could have chosen as my favourite, Cavapoos take the crown (at least in my house). They’re affectionate, playful, and always full of surprises—especially when there’s a cat nearby. And if you’ve got an Aggie in your life, you’ll know that adventure sometimes means diving headfirst into the bushes after that one particularly cheeky squirrel.
So, here’s to the Cavapoo—my favourite breed, whether I get a choice in the matter or not!

Want to read what other canine professionals favourite breeds are? Click the link below to see Haigh Hounds blog about their favourite breed. Https://www.Haigh-Hounds.com/blogs/2109531_my-favourite-breed-a-dog-trainers-dilemma